Offer for Appsjunction Meetup Members

Finding a developer in London or California is a very costly affair.

There are not many and the good ones are already working at £300-£500/day at med-big companies. Startups often don’t have that much money to offer to them. Moreover one iOS or Android developer is not enough for a serious App as you may need Web Services/API, DB and Architect type of skills as well. Usually a developer is often not from a very Sr. or CTO profile and hence can take wrong architecture decisions which are OK for small prototype apps but not scalable in future to become serious app based business. Morever, a dev-acting-as-CTO also can’t guide you in App Promotion, App Marketing, Online Marketing, SEO, explainer videos etc. You need a highly recommended provider which can help you from scratch to launch to post launch digital marketing support. Hence we have come up with following tips & unique solution to help you implement & launch your App Idea. We can provide you complete step by step support to launch a successful startup.

  1. face to face -on-need-basis advice from CTO level person in London on pay-per-booking model. Just like you consult a health consultant for your regular health checkups but don’t hire a full time one. Know more about our Chief Apps Consultant @navinarora here: Launch your app like an expert.
  2. UK or US based Project Managers/Coordinators to help you explain your idea creatively, your problems with the idea/product, your future needs and day to day interaction- in person.
  3. New Delhi-India based team of 50+ Developers managed by UK/US based PM as bridge between you and developers so you will never have to learn geek language.
  4. You may also interview & hire your own permanent dedicated iOS/Android Dev in our New Delhi office at just £1100 PCM.
  5. You may also apply to engage in a dedicated co-founder role. You will get huge discount on the development & promotion cost which you can compensate by  sharing equity in your company.
  6. At we are the proud creator of – A Portal to find Co-founders & Developers & Crowd Funding. We are also the annual sponsor of meetup in London –  We provide complete support for your App Startup: MVP/Prototype from £1500*, Explainer Videos from £500, App Promotion & PR packages from £500. Great Quality App launch sites from £300. 2nd OS App at 65% cost of first OS App.
  7. Our latest UX & UI samples & complete portfolio here:
  8. We highly recommend this guide before you start working on your app idea how to go about an app idea guide

We are happy to provide you a fixed cost quote once you email us your requirements document along with any wireframes/sketches you have. All our quotes include 1 month free post launch bug fixing.

Looking forward to hear back from you soon!

skype: phoenixgmn

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